MEAL Management

Before we start explaining the components of the MEAL management workspace, we need to understand how the MEAL system works. MEAL stands for Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning. It is a framework that helps track the progress and impact of humanitarian projects and programs.

BFD ERP system for programs and projects is based on the project life cycle, which consists of four stages: Designing, Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and controlling and closing. BFD ERP system provides different pages and tools for each stage.

MEAL staff should ensure that all inputs related to the MEAL system are set up correctly at the beginning of the project. They should also update all related tools and reports according to the indicator performance plan (reporting period) by using the MEAL Inputs or MEAL tools that are developed to facilitate the update of MEAL inputs.

The picture below shows the components of the MEAL management workspace (Logical framework, MEAL inputs, MEAL tools, MEAL reports, Dashboards)

1.1       Logical framework

The user can indicate all the project’s Objectives/goals, outcomes, outputs, indicators, and MEAL activities in the Log Frame card. All fields marked by an asterisk * are mandatory.        General Features

You can expand or reduce the narrative box by moving the bottom right corner of the box.        Log Frame Workflow

1.1.2      Impact & Outcomes and Outputs

To access Impact, Outcome, Output, and indicator in Logical Framework go to:

MEAL Management > Log Frame        Prerequisites

Before creating a logical framework, it is mandatory to have the following:

  1. Project Proposal.
  2. Project        How to create a logical framework (Impact & Outcomes and outputs)

Every project should have at least one Impact/Objective then it be able to create an outcome with its result output.

a.     Add Impact/Goal/Objective

  1. Go to the logical framework list and click on add.
  2. Select the project name.
  3. The Project Proposal field will be fetched.
  4. Select the Type of LFW, let’s say is an Objective.
  5. Code: Numeric the Objective, for example: 1
  6. Program: Select the related program (Options will be from the targeted program in the proposal)
  7. Subject: Name the Objective
  8. 4

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Parent LFW: Impact/Goal/Objective® Outcome® Output (For Objective this field will disappear after you choose Impact/Goal/Objective)        Features

LFW Type: These options give you the ability to create different LFWs in the same screen.

Code Field: It’s like a reference for Impact/Objective, Outcome and Output.

Is Group: This box can be checked to indicate that the Log frame is a parent, and can be further divided into multiple Log frame. For Example: I have an Outcome and this Outcome has multiple Output.

Parent LFW: if the log frame that you are creating is already a child in “Parent Outcome and Output” field you will choose the parent to be linked with as a tree.

Note: In tree view the Logical Framework of Impact, Outcome and Output will be shown like this structure.

Please note:once you have completed your input, do not forget to save your progress, as the system will not automatically save it. You can find the save buttons at the top of the page

b.     To add an outcome, click on [Duplicate]

Please note: the outcome measures the changes over time as a result of the output (e.g., the change in the percentage of households with an acceptable food consumption).

New page will appear, then change the type from Objective to Outcome after that describe the outcome in the subject field of window and choose the parent Objective to be linked with as a tree, finally click on [Save] to save the outcome.

See the picture below that shows Outcome selecting and linking with Parent Objective

c.     To add an Output, click on [Duplicate]

Please note: the outcome measures the changes over time as a result of the output (e.g., the change in the percentage of households with an acceptable food consumption).

New page will appear, then change the type from Objective to Outcome after that describe the outcome in the subject field of window and choose the parent Objective to be linked with as a tree, finally click on [Save] to save the outcome.

See the picture below that shows Outcome selecting and linking with Parent Objective          Videos

This video goes through create project's log frame steps to understand it more.

1.1.3      Indicators

The indicators are measurement index of the results, which will be used as an index or evidence to evaluate if the project is moving in the right direction guided by the objectives, and if it yields expected results by the local organizations and by the donors.

Remember the required process for indicators achievements.

To access indicators, go to:

Programs Management > Logical framework> Indicators        Prerequisites

  1. Project.
  2. LFW.        How to create an indicator

  1. Go to indicator list, click on add.
  2. Select Project name.
  3. Linked With: Select which type of LFW you need. Please note: the Standard Outcome Indicators proposed are linked to the sector previously selected.
  4. Select from drop down list on of LFW as you specified before.
  5. Code: numeric the indicator.
  6. Indicator: fill the name of indicator as you need.
  7. Program:
  8. Weight:
  9. Mean of Verification: In this field, you fill, the means of verification that is required to track this indicator.
  10. Frequency:
  11. Responsible:
  12. Important Assumptions:

In Indicator Detail table: the data for the indicator that you creating are filled in like target governorate and district are determined, the type of indicator, how many targets will be reached, and what is the means of verifying this indicator.

To add an indicator Detail table: once you have clicked on [Add Raw], a pop-up window will appear. Fill in the indicator detail and click on [Save].

In case your indicator total target was not disaggregated, please select [Is unclassified] Check-box and input the total target value in the unclassified field.

Notes: only governorates will be shown as its with project and proposal. To prevent sharing data between different governorates you can choose a user with permission to deal with specific governorate-district data only.        Options when creating/ Fields description:

  1. Is Percentage means that the measure/unit of indicator target is percentage.
  2. Tracking Beneficiaries: when checked is used to know the total achieved beneficiaries during reporting period as cumulative number.
  3. Is Repeated: how many times you want this indicator to repeated or frequented monthly for the same BNFs or HFs or Assets. For example, let’s assume that you have 1000 BNFs and two indicators for these BNFs, system in general will calculate them twice means that the total will be 2000 but actually they are just 1000 BNFs so, active this option means do not duplicate.
  4. Target Value: Enter the indicator total target. When applicable, please add a breakdown by age and gender.

5.     Comments: you can leave a comment if necessary. 

  1. IPTT.
  2. IPTT Summary.          Videos

This video goes through create project's log frame steps to understand it more.

1.1.4      Activities

Project Activities are actions undertaken by the project to achieve the set objectives. They are very concrete actions that are practical and well defined. When you read a description of project activities, you should immediately be able to picture the project in your head without any confusion.

P&M helps you to enter all project activities in effective way and more.

To access Project Activities, go to:

Home > Programs Management > Activities        Prerequisites

Before creating an activity, its advise you to have:

  1. Impact/Objective.
  2. Outcome.
  3. Output.
  4. Project.        How to create an activity

  1. Go to Activities list, click on add.
  2. Select the project to fetch the required fields and note that field like project proposal, Expected Start End dates and Source of fund will fetch automatically.
  3. Code field: numeric the activity as it will reference for specific LFW.
  4. Linked With field: Select which this activity linked with (Impact/Objective, Outcome, Output, ...etc.).
  5. Select the which LFW (Impact/Objective, Outcome, Output, ...etc.) from the drop-down list depends on the linked type you have selected before.
  6. Activity field: fill the name of activity.
  7. Start Date & End Date: specify the Start End Date for this activity.        Features

Means of Verification: you fill, the means of verification that is required to achieve this activity are identified.

 Review Date: specify the date for activity review.

 Closing Date: determine the closing date for activity.

  1. Implementation Plan Tool.          Videos

This video goes through create project's log frame steps to understand it more.

1.2       MEAL Inputs

1.2.1      MEAL Checklist

To access MEAL activity, go to:

MEAL management > MEAL Inputs> MEAL Activities.

1.2.2      M&E Plan

M&E Plan is your project or program’s roadmap to implementing your MEAL related activities as intended, in a timely and efficient manner, and to ensure continuous learning throughout the project and program cycle.

To access MEAL Plan, go to:

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| Select Project |

MEAL management > MEAL Inputs> M&E Plan.


1.2.3      MEAL Activities

Activities of MEAL team that are established in order to monitor and track the main project activities to help them in tracking the progress of programs, making adjustments and assessing the outcomes. These include data collection, analysis and reporting methods that support the MEAL framework.

To access MEAL activity, go to:

MEAL management > MEAL Inputs> MEAL Activities.        Prerequisites

Before creating a MEAL activity, it advises to ensure that your MEAL activities are linked with Project Activities, every project activity should be linked with MEAL activities.        How to create a MEAL Activity

Before creating MEAL activities, you have to know there are two methods for creating MEAL activities, first method in MEAL management workspace go proposal and logframe card/ list then select Activities, you by selecting, while second method by

  1. Go to MEAL Activity list, click on add.
  2. Select the project's name.
  3. Select type: MEAL activity or Sub-MEAL activity.
  4. Specify start end dates for MEAL activity: determine the duration of this activity
  5. Fill the Subject for.
  6. Save.










For updating all MEAL and Sub-MEAL activities, go to:

  1. MEAL Activity Tool, That will be explain in details in the third section “MEAL Tools”        Features

  1. Means of Verification: The means of verification that is required to achieve this activity are identified.
  2. Parent MEAL Activity: This field appears if a Sub-MEAL Activity is specified in the Type field, to be associated with the Main MEAL Activity.

1.2.4      Monitoring Field Visits

1.2.5      Complaints and Feedback

1.2.6      Leason learned.

1.2.7      Tasks

1.3       MEAL Tools

1.3.1      Indicator Tool

1.3.2      MEAL Activity Tool

1.3.3      Monitoring Field Visit Tracker

1.4       MEAL Reports


1.4.1      Indicators Tool




1.4.2      Field Visit Plan


1.4.3      Field Visit report tracker
